Ecobuild America coming to Anaheim!
Good afternoon, Growers!
In the spirit of World Water Day, I thought you might find this upcoming event of interest. It's called EcobuildAmerica and it also includes Science & Technology for Architecture, Engineering and Construction. It will be held May 21-22, at the Anaheim Convention Center.
If you go to the show website and use HSEOC for the promotion code, admission, normally $25.00 will be free for exhibits and the keynote speeches.
The show organizers were kind enough to issue media credentials to me because of this website, so I told them that I'd help people learn about the show.
It sounds very interesting and will cover green building, sustainable design, renewable energy, construction technology and building information modeling.
I try to visit as many trade shows that I can because I always learn something useful, and I can often identify trends occurring across seemingly unrelated industries and interests.
I hope you're having a pleasant week-end!