Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Debbie in Roseville's Giant Pumpkin Update!
Good evening, Growers!
From Debbie in Roseville, near Sacramento, I have this update:
"Dear Stuart,
At last, I know you've been very patient in waiting for the updated photos.....THEY'RE HERE!!! This is a blast, you have to do it next year....I'm so attached to them I want to sleep with them in the garden at night. They even smile and get excited to see me when I get home from work, I think they're happy little pumpkins. It's hard to believe how much they have grown in just 2 weeks. The first photo is junior....lost him a couple of weeks ago right about the time Betty, Fran, and Oscar arrived. Last week Betty was growing only 1" a day, she's back on track to 2" a day since the smoke cleared and let the sunshine through.....I'm guessing. And if you're wondering how I determine her weight....I measure her circumference and use a pumpkin chart. Enjoy the photos....and stay tuned! Debbie"
Many thanks, Debbie!