Tuesday, March 06, 2007

GreenCure Organic Fungicide New Pumpkinmania Sponsor!
I am very pleased to announce that GreenCure Organic Fungicide is a new sponsor of Pumpkinmania. This product came to my attention when I saw it on a website last year. As you know, powdery mildew is one of the biggest challenges growing gaint pumpkins in Southern California, particularly along the coast.
It's been used 9 years by commercial growers. Plus it's the creation of Dr. Ken Horst, a plant pathologist at my alma mater, Cornell University. That's credibility.
GreenCure will be available in 8 ounce jars from Orange County Farm Supply (in 7-10 days), 1826 West Chapman Avenue, Orange, CA 92868, (714) 978-6500, www.ocfarmsupply.com. Call first (ask for Chris) to make sure it's arrived.
This could be the cultivation break-through we've been seeking!