Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Batavia Garden Workshop & The Mound in Repose
Good afternoon, Pumpkinistas!
Thank you to Ron, Keiko, and Kathy at Batavia Garden and all of the great growers that braved the cold weather this morning to attend the workshop! It was great to see some familiar faces, and some first-time growers too! Good luck!
Next up is Cedros Gardens on Saturday, April 28th at 10:00 a.m.!
I thought you might like to see what my mound looks like this season. It's roughly 5 feet in diameter, 2 feet tall. The green plant that surronds the mound is the red medium clover I planted in February as a 'green manure'. I'll dig it next month, after the seedling is planted.
Have a great afternoon!