Monday, September 16, 2013

Stuart, here are a few photos of some large specimens in San Diego county. This is Vince's patch, totally out of control! Yes, that is his driveway that is now a pumpkin patch. You can see a large fruit in there!

 This is his pumpkin, somewhere in the 900 lb range according to Vince. Grown off of the 980 Fredricks seed.

 This photo is back home at the patch of Jim and Joshua. Rumor has it that the fruit is not as big as last year, but still a beautiful fruit with possibilities of being in the hunt at pumpkinmania. Rumor also has it that there are a few others in southern California with some bigguns out there. Let's hope they all stay healthy until October 27th.

PS. Joshua wants to know where his friend the Dark Prince has hidden?