Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Tams' 50-Poind (so far) Pumpkin!
Good afternoon, Pumpkinistas!
I just received this great image of the Tams' giant pumpkin in Cupertino from Poli Aki, the Water Wench. Romy Tam and her brother attended the workshop at Yamaghami's Nursery http://www.yamagamisnursery.com/ earlier this season and are obviously doing very well.
Romy's been chronicling her giant pumpkin growing experiences at: http://pixiepaperarts.blogspot.com/ which includes topics beyond giant pumpkin cultivation. Most recently, Romy culled her fruit down to just one hopeful contender for Yamagami's own giant pumpkin weigh-off in the fall.
Have a great afternoon!