Monday, September 25, 2006

The Flying Pumpkin of La Mirada
Good afternoon growers!
Just when you thought it was safe to go outside:

Notes from the La Mirada pumpkin:

Well, let's go back to the beginning... We attended the seminar and we dug our hole... We almost canceled vacation because we need the perfect light of the full moon to plant .....We were so excited to grow our first pumpkin.. We were sure we would have a contender...We just couldn't imagine what to expect of our "first-born" We watered and shielded, we fertilized and weeded, and then finally we just waited for our gi-normas "pompion" to appear.... Finally we had fruit... It was a wonderful few weeks... Then, the terrible day came when we lost our little squash..... A new day has dawned, however, as we are proud to announce new growth and the first ever La Mirada flying pumpkin.... Our Lauren is showing it off here... she thinks ( and I must agree with her ) it is great...

Any suggestions on what to do next?"
Indeed! I've read recently that more people are killed every year by falling coconuts than by shark attacks. True, this isn't a coconut, but I am sure you understand. I suggest placing a platform or some other support beneath the 'lighter-than-air' vegetable above. I think you may be able to create something with a ladder and/or bungee cords. All you need to do is keep it growing until October 22nd.
Good luck and thank you very much for your update and pictures!