Monday, April 13, 2009

Cornell University Resource for Vegetable Gardeners

Good morning, Growers!

If the number of seedlings I saw being sold last week-end is any indication, people are planting a lot of vegetables this season.

Coincidentally, I recently received a message informing me that there's been an update of a citizen science program from the Department of Horticulture, (for vegetable gardeners) Cornell University:

Cornell's improved the website, so it's even easier to navigate than before. The website identifies different varieties of vegetables, and where they are being successfully cultivated by home gardeners. It will help you decide which varieties of vegetables to plant in your garden. Plus, you can also comment on your successes and challenges growing vegetables too. I like the idea that it's a 'citizen science program'. If you don't want to spend a few winters in Ithaca, NY working on a degree, this is an excellent opportunity to have some exposure and to contribute to Cornell.

This week's workshops are in Mission Viejo, Carpenteria and Morro Bay. I have started germinating the seeds for the seedling door prizes! Details of the workshops are on the March 17th posting below.

Have a great week!
