Thursday, June 18, 2009

Alfonso and Katharine Lepe: Max' In The Ground!
Good morning, Pumpkinistas!
I received this dispatch from Alfonso and Katherine Lepe, workshop attendees and seedling winners:
"Hello Stuart,
My wife and I attended your event as you know and it was very informative. Thank you for that. My wife won the seedling that you were showing everyone and it is planted. We have some pictures we'll be sending you and it's looking good. We did pretty much everything you recommended as far as preparation of the soil and pointed it in the right direction and it's growing everyday. We just started the garden area and we re-landscaped our entire backyard as well. It was a lot of hard work but we are motivated to grow a giant pumpkin. The vine's name is Max and I can't remember what my wife Katharine is going to name the pumpkin itself but it's something like Cucu. Anyway we'll keep you informed on the progress we're making.
Thanks again,
(I'll be updating this posting when I receive some photos from Alfonso.)