Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Eric Vossbrink: In the Mix!
Good morning, Pumpkinistas!
After a multi-year hiatus, Eric Vossbrink in San Diego, is growing giant pumpkins again!
Here's the latest from Eric:
You and I spoke face to face and by email maybe 5 years ago when you were making the rounds in San Diego. I read that you were making the rounds again this year.

This is the first opportunity to grow big pumpkins in a few years due to kids and the yard that they require. I’ve got one pumpkin set about 10 feet down the vine, and it’s about basketball-size right now. The pumpkin is in a school garden so it requires no space in my backyard, and I have 320 helpers…if you can call it help.

Seen here:

Good luck spreading the word,

Eric Vossbrink"

I knew Eric wouldn't be able to keep away! Thank you very much for your update!

(This is great, Jim Fredricks and Eric Vossbrink are both back this season.)