Monday, July 13, 2009

Back to Glazier Elementary School!

Good morning, Pumpkinistas!

Martha Treadway, the instructor at Glazier Elementary School that arranged for a giant pumpkin workshop and transplanting on May 7th, sent in these pictures of their vines on July 10th, and an update:

"Hi Stuart,
Thought we should update you on how our vines are doing at Glazier School. The biggest vine has 5 pumpkins on it so far.....we probably won't cut any off because we like getting LOTS of pumpkins. The 2 longest vines are those you planted during the workshop. The smallest vine is one I started in April---a whole month before the May workshop. We think it had a 'late start' because it didn't get into the ground until the end of May. There were 2 in that peat pot, but only one is taking off.
Our only problem so far, is the grasshopper munching on leaves....and possibly a gopher or mole tunneling around the garden. However, we have 3 'resident' Cooper hawks in nearby trees so they may take care of the critter.
Congratulations on your LEED. My brother, who is an architect in Florida and a 'pumpkinmania', also took that test (and passed). I am told that the test is very intense and geared so that only 30% pass on the first try! (He was studying since January!)
So, again, congratulations!